Sitemap - 2022 - The War Room

Providing ‘Aid to the Civil Power’ in Colonial India

Some book recommendations from 2022

Command: How the Allies Learned to Win the Second World War

Siege Rats: Remembering Tobruk, 1941

‘The Fastest Draw in the History of the RAF’

‘Dehydrated Americans’

Conquer We Must

Remembering the heroes of Bordeaux, December 1942

Naga Memories of Kohima: Aviü’s Story

Devil Dogs

The Thin Turbaned Line: the Indian Corps in France

A Legacy of Violence? Er, I don't think so, Ms Elkins

Take cover, its another review...

The East India Company

A War of Empires

A Minnesotan farm boy in the Battle of Britain

History Rage

God Save the King!

Mary Lindell and the Lives She Saved

When You Go Home

Who Did What at the Siege of Kohima?

Who Got the Gongs? (Version 2)

Who Got the Gongs?

What happened to Major General John Grover at Kohima?

A Mosquito DFC in the family. Who knew?

Sangshak: the first battle for Kohima

Remembering 'John': the mild man of the Jungle

Please remember his name: Captain Sein Tun

Boiling the frog

Australia and the war in Burma

Re-discovering an American heroine in France

What makes a VC?

My recipe for effective leadership

Remembering Kohima

Why did Indians join up to fight the Japanese?

What have we forgotten about the forgotten war?

To War with Cuthbert

The Nine

Recording a monstrous atrocity

Chin Peng: the Pied Piper of Malaya

Russia: an unending drama.

“The Double-Barrelled Name and the Half-Cocked Offensive”

Browsing through a treasure house: the literature of the Burma campaign

Whither the Integrated Review. Still tilting at windmills?

Writing about the British Army

Some thoughts on doctrine, the Indirect Approach and Russia...

Thank goodness for a well-oiled infantry battalion..

Is the tank dead?

Friendship, and its (sometimes) unlikely results

David Stirling, sacred cows & being crushed by falling statues

Coming soon