After a long period of preparation the book that General Lord Dannatt have been working on for the last couple of years - Victory to Defeat: The British Army, 1918-1940 - will be published by Osprey tomorrow. Hurrah! We had our formal launch at Hatchards on Piccadilly on Monday 11 September, and a good crowd of friends turned up to celebrate with us.
Richard and I were fortunate to be able to present to 300-400 people at the We Have Ways Festival at Bicester last Saturday, compered brilliantly by Peter Caddick-Adams.
Last night we were at the Gloucester History Festival at the remarkably historic Blackfriars Priory, this time interrogated by Allan Mallinson.
Some of you may well have heard Richard’s interview with Matt Chorley on Times Radio on Monday: you can to him here.
I have today recorded a podcast with Angus Wallace of WW2Podcasts. It’ll be out on 1 October.
If you’d like to hear us talk about the book I’ll be at the Buckingham History Festival this Friday and we’ll both be at the Chelsea History Festival on Saturday 30 September. After that, the irrepressible Ant Brentall has organised a session at the Union Jack Club in London on the evening of 4 October. The advertisement is below:
We both hope you enjoy the book! If you want to listen to it, and hear General Lord Dannatt narrate the book, you can buy it on Audible.
Can’t wait, get my new Audible credit tomorrow so I’ll be buying this forthwith!